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Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinean coffee is a delicious and flavorful coffee that is grown in the Chimbu Province of Papua New Guinea. The coffee is grown at an altitude of 1350 meters and is fully washed and dried in the sun. The coffee has a caramel, honey, and fruit flavor profile and is a great choice for anyone who enjoys a flavorful cup of coffee.

The coffee is also certified by the Fair Trade Organization, which means that the coffee farmers are paid a fair price for their coffee and that they are able to work in safe and healthy conditions. The coffee is also certified by the Organic Organization, which means that the coffee is grown without the use of any synthetic pesticides or herbicides.

Papua New Guinean coffee is a great choice for anyone who enjoys a delicious and flavorful cup of coffee. The coffee is also certified by the Fair Trade Organization and the Organic Organization, which means that the coffee is grown in a sustainable way.

Life happens, coffee helps. This is a popular saying in Papua New Guinea, and it's easy to see why. The coffee grown in this country is some of the best in the world, and it has the power to lift spirits and improve moods.

If you're looking for a coffee that will make your day a little bit brighter, Papua New Guinean coffee is a perfect choice. It's sure to give you the boost you need to get through whatever comes your way.

        Size: 12oz

        Grind: Whole Bean
