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Half Caf Blend

Half Caf - A Medium Roast of Swiss Water® Decaffeinated and Regular Coffee

Coffee is a way of stealing time that should by rights belong to your older self. But for those who get the ‘jitters’ with full caffeine coffee and those who enjoy coffee later in the day but don't need that higher caffeine kick-start, Half Caf is the perfect solution.

Half Caf is a mixed medium roast of Swiss Water® decaffeinated and regular coffee. It has a lower caffeine content than regular coffee, but it still retains the rich flavor and aroma that you love. Half Caf is perfect for those who want to enjoy the taste of coffee without the jitters.

Half Caf is also a great option for those who want to enjoy coffee later in the day. The lower caffeine content won't keep you up at night, so you can relax and enjoy a cup of coffee before bed.

Half Caf is available in whole beans, ground coffee, and K-Cup pods. So no matter how you like to prepare your coffee, you can enjoy Half Caf.

So why wait? Order your Half Caf today and start enjoying the best of both worlds.

        Size: 1lb

        Grind: Whole Bean
