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The Veterans Spouse Project (VSP) is a non-profit organization that provides support, resources, and community for military spouses. The organization's mission is to "support, connect, and empower military spouses through community building, professional development, and advocacy."

The Veteran’s Spouse Project was founded in 2018 to empower all military spouses—including spouses of Veterans, Retirees and Active Duty—to share their unique experiences.

The military spouse experience is unique, and it can be hard to share in a way that outsiders understand. Through creative arts and theater, the Veteran’s Spouse Project gives a voice to these distinctive experiences to increase awareness and understanding of military life. VSP educates non-military communities, lawmakers, and other influencers to build a common understanding. Ultimately, the organization supports military spouses by celebrating the service, dedication, and strength of the military family.

According to the Veteran’s Spouse Project website:

“The journey of the military spouse is stressful and riddled with change, conflict and even trauma. But there are also countless moments of joy, hope, happiness, and beauty that make it all worthwhile. Veteran’s Service Project is a labor of love offering opportunities to share these moments that have shaped military spouses into the strong, resilient women and men that support their military families and manage the behind the scenes of every service member.”


The Veteran’s Spouse Project gives a voice to military spouses through several mediums.

I Will Wait

This full-length, theatrical production spans 100 years of US wars to share the military spouse perspective. It was written by playwright and military spouse Amy Uptgraft specifically to bring together military and non-military communities. She had the idea during her husband’s fourth deployment after sharing her struggles with fellow playwright Gregory Stieber. Together, they interviewed military spouses across five generations and documented their stories of separation during times of war. These real life experiences of struggle and sacrifice informed the creation of the play.

Stories We Tell: Short Videos of Military Spouse Life

These documentary style videos share generations of heartache and happiness that shape military spouses into who they are.

Why are these stories so important?

  • Non-military friends and family can find a better understanding of what military life is like.
  • Service members can gain insight into their partner’s experience as a military spouse, and better support their needs.
  • There is a solidarity in shared experiences for fellow military spouses, and a chance to find understanding and support within their community.

Watch video clips from around the world or share your story here!

Made For You

For everything that military spouses take on in life, the Veteran’s Spouse Project offers creative arts workshops that support them in mind, body, emotion, and spirit. Each workshop is run by skilled facilitators who understand the relevant issues that impact the military spouse community. Artistic prompts are used to guide spouses in telling their stories, with a focus on the process and not the end results.

Virtual and in-person workshops are available throughout the year. Participants are led through mindfulness and meditation sessions, creative art activities, and free-form art mediums like collaging and journaling. The format helps military spouses find tools for healthy communication, selfcare, and a safe space to find a reprieve from the stresses of military life. All workshops are offered to military spouses at no cost thanks to the donations generously made to VSP.

Coffee for a Cause

The Veteran’s Spouse Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Oak Ridge, Tennessee that is dedicated to giving a voice to the many generations of military spouse stories. They are the only 501(c)3 nonprofit offering creative and expressive art programming for the military spouse community.

If you would like to support the Veteran’s Spouse Project while drinking a great cup of coffee, we’ve got you covered! The S3 February #coffeeforacause is Turtle. This medium roast arabica bean has tasting notes of Caramel, Chocolate, and a hint of Hazelnut!

During the entire month of February, buy S3’s Turtle and a portion of the proceeds will be donated directly to the Veteran’s Spouse Project.

To learn more about the Veteran’s Spouse Project, please visit their website, and be sure to check them out on social media!